Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Task 7: Climate Change

Global warming is an important issue nowadays and it’s bad for our world and it might be more harmful in the future. We can define it as an average increase in the Earth's temperature because of the greenhouse gas emissions. “Regional climate change, therefore, has been more dramatic—Arctic ice is melting rapidly and Arctic sea ice is 40 per cent thinner than it was in the 1970s.”(Parliament of Australia) The sea level is rising as well as a result of melted ice.
“A record heat wave scorched Europe in August 2003, claiming an estimated 35,000 lives.” (Earth policy institute) Climate change will increase the risk of floods and droughts; more than 90 percent of the victims are from the developing countries. Another problem is air pollution which is a big problem resulting from fossil fuel emissions.
We can do many things to reduce and reverse the effects of the climate change. First thing is to reduce the usage of electric in our houses. We can reduce the greenhouse gas emissions in our houses by turning off the lights at night, closing the TV when no one is watching and turn off electric devices when they are not being used. “One easy way to reduce CO2 emissions is to reduce the amount of fuel burned per day, per month, and per year.”( Ezinearticles) In addition we can reduce the greenhouse gas emissions by using hybrid cars which are environment friendly or use smaller cars which are less harmful to the environment.
I think it’s important to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions because if we don’t try and reduce it who will reduce it? In my opinion I think what will solve the problem by at least 20% is to use hybrid cars or use smaller engine cars. In addition measuring the carbon footprint is important as well to know what our level is and whether we are in the danger level or no. Finally, teaching kids about climate change and how to reduce it will have a positive effect in the future.


"The climate is changing." Parliament of Australia: Home. 18 Nov. 2008.

"RECORD HEAT WAVE IN EUROPE TAKES 35,000 LIVES Far Greater Losses May Lie Ahead." Earth policy institute. 9 Oct. 2003.

"Hybrid Cars, Trucks, and SUVs Reduce CO2 Emissions, Help the Environment." Ezinearticles.,-Trucks,-and-SUVs-Reduce-CO2-Emissions,-Help-the-Environment&id=1220581

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