Monday, April 20, 2009

Task5: My carbon footprint

Carbon footprint
A Carbon footprint is the total of greenhouse gas emissions caused by a person, company or product. The carbon footprint has units of tonnes or kgs of carbon dioxide equivalent.
I measured my carbon footprint at & it was 4.01.
Most of my class mates in CRE had nearly the same or a bit higher number. The average number in my class was nearly 3.87. The main factors of this result were from:
1) travel 35%
2) stuff 29%
3) home 19%
4) food 17%
The UAE which is my country has the highest carbon footprint per person in the world.
Although travel was the highest factor I can’t really change it so I think I need to reduce buying gadgets and tools which is related to the stuff factor because I spend lot of money buying them because it’s kind of a hobby to me.

I drive a V8 6.2 car which is a large petrol vehicle but I can’t do anything about it because I can’t use public transport like buses because they are not available where I live. My car is one year old and I live 5 minutes away from college and I don’t think it will really affect the carbon footprint that badly. If I live in a country like Japan I would use the metro which is fast and environment friendly. I have a brother that studies in ADMC like me. I wish we started and finished at the same time so we could use one car instead of two.


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